Shakshat Virtual Lab ![](images/iitg-logo1.jpg)
Listed below are 15 features of an e-learning interface in random order
Course objectives enlisted
Multiple formats of quiz available
Consistency in look and feel for all screen layouts
Different levels of learning tasks exist to adapt
Learner has control over pace of learning
Navigable Topic Index
Previous button to navigate to previous learning page
Emphasis of used hyperlinks (topics)
Undo - For error recovery
Limited length of page to avoid scrolling
Chat-rooms facility
GUI enjoyable
Breadcrumb trail - keeping tract of location within application
Print facility
GUI simple and intuitive
Can you group these features into some categories?
Can you arrange these features by descending order of their importance? How ?
Prepare a survey sheet with each feature and its degree of importance in five point likert scale. You will need to conduct a survey of 15 students, 5 from each age group mentioned below and get their responses to the survey sheet.
a) 13 to 17 (school)
b) 18 to 22 (college)
c) 23 to 27 (professionals)
Do you find differences in the preferences of features in these groups?
Try to analyze your data and find the reasons for the difference.
If possible create prototype GUI for each of these groups.