Creative Design, Prototyping & Experiential Simulation In Human Computer Interaction (HCI)

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) is the study, planning and design of the interaction between people and computers. It is often regarded as the intersection of computer science, behavioral sciences, design and other fields of study. Experiments in this lab focus on understanding the theoretical basis of decision making while designing computer screens, displays and product interfaces. These experiments aim to make students understand underlying theory of user centered interface design.


A brief introduction to this lab, its simulation based experiments, the contributors and other supplementary resources.

1. Serial Position Effect

Refers to the effect on recall accuracy as a function of a menu item's position within a menu list.

2. Weber's Law

A just noticeable diffeerence in a stimulus is proportional to the magnitude of the original stimulus.

3. Sensitivity, Errors and Task Complexity Measurements for Pointing Devices

Measuring mouse controlling ability in terms of time and task complexity.

4. Fitts Law

The time required to move a pointer to the target is a function of the target size and distance to the target.

5. Mobile Keypad Design

Design issues and usefulness of different mobile phone keypad layouts.

6. Hick Hyman's Law

The time taken to make the decision in selecting an item is proportional to the number of items presented.

7. GOMS Model

Comparison of alternative user interface designs based on GOMS model

8. Consistency and Inconsistency in Interaction

Consistency in presentation, behaviour and interaction to achieve error-free interaction.

9. The Visual Coding of Information in Short Term Memory(STM)

Finding evidence that information is stored in short term memory (STM) by means of visual code.

10. Color Theory

Color theory

11. Card Sorting Technique

Interactive tool for learning and performing card sorting.

12.Usability Measurement Tool for E-learning(UMTEL)

This online measurement tool consists of six simple checklists that could be used by a novice evaluater to evaluate usability level of an e-learning.

13.Prototyping of TV Remote Control Panel

This experiment teaches you to design a prototype of a TV Remote Control using the standard buttons provided.

14. Prototyping of Control Panel of Domestic Appliances

This experiment teaches you to design prototypes for Washing Machine control panel and control panel for an Induction stove.

15. Icons in Graphical User Interfaces

Icon design guidelines and design exercises.

16. Effect of Typography Design on Readibility

Effect of different font types and sizes on readability.

Case Studies

Problem analysis, design methods and solutions for new typical cases.