Shakshat Virtual Lab ![](images/iitg-logo1.jpg)
1. Prepare a list of 8 to 10 animals. Read this list sequentially and slowly to your friends within a stipulated time. Then ask them to recall the items in the list freely. Record the recall frequencies of these words. Analyze whether the recall % varies with the position of each item within the list? Does the behaviour change for each individual? Does it have something to do with the with the individual's favourite animal? What is the general trend?
2. Examine interfaces of three different smart phones and find out minimum and maximum number of items present within its menus. Do they show major differences? Which one will you rate as the best one accomodating the serial position effect
3. If a same list of items is presented to a person 10 times, and every time recall is recorded, would the result be different in each case? If yes, why?