Shakshat Virtual Lab ![](images/iitg-logo1.jpg)
1. A “MAZE” will be displayed on the screen. ( see screenshot in figure. 1 )
2. Your task is to traverse the mouse-controlled cursor through the desired path (light colored tracks) of MAZE with sensitivity. You are expected to traverse the cursor through the path without hitting the constarints or blocks in the path which are colored in dark blue.
3. The complexity of the paths in the “MAZE” will increase periodically for successive trials.
4.You need to be alert and tactful in avoiding hitting the blocks/constraints coming in your way such as walls, bends and narrow track width. This requires motor and visual skill coordination.
Figure. 1
Figure. 2 |
5. There are three targets "1" , "2" and "3" on each path of the MAZE. ( see screenshot in figure. 1 ) .
a) You will need to click on "1" to begin the experiment (trial).
b) Now move the cursor along the light blue colored path to reach target "2".
c)Avoid touching the walls and the dark blue colored constraints.
d) Click on "2" after you reach the target.
e) Now move the cursor along the light blue colored path to reach target "3".
f) Click on "3" after you reach the target.
g) Click on "Next Trial" button at end for new path.
6. Repeat the experiment 3 times for each path and then for different paths.
7. After 3 trials, click on "time results" button to show time for the trials in table similar to figure 2 above.
On Error
1. If you happen to make an error while traversing the MAZE, an error message will be displayed in a dialogue window.
2. Press "OK" to resume and continue and now start from point "1".
3. On error do not traverse cursor within the MAZE for reaching point 1 or point 2.
4. Move the cursor to point 1 by traversing it from outside the MAZE, else you will once again trigger the same error and enter an endless loop.
5. Thus do not traverse back to starting point through the MAZE after an error occurs.
This simulation requires you to have .NET framework 4 or above installed on your PC. If you do not have .NET framework 4 installed on your PC, please refer to the following url.